Monday, February 25, 2008

Sorry this went so long without comments. Sunday we went to see the sunset, which was a bust, but the waves were great. Crashing up to the steps we usually use to access the beach. Then I went to work and all the surfers were so excited - evidentally Mon AM was the time to surf. Sun.'s waves were too wild for good surfing. They even closed Stern's warf because the waves were coming onto the warf! So Mon after work we went to Rincon Point to watch the surfers, there were a lot of people on the water, and many more actually running to get to the waves. Bet a lot of people were sick on Monday. One man (the blurry picture) was so excited, he had rode a wave so far down the beach it took him 15 min to walk back. We probably could have given him a few more cheers, but he seemed to be doing ok on his own.


Heidi said...

So, is that Dale out there in the surf? Sounds like you guys are having a great time out in the sun. It's much warmer here than back east, so I've got no complaints. Although we're supposed to get snow Sunday, so I'll complain then. :-)
Love, Heidi

The Woods said...

I checked out your blog awhile ago, and Heidi lit a fire under me to post on ours, so I thought I'd check yours out again too. It looks nice and warm there! Take care!